Technical Studies of  the System - Barrisol ceilings

Systems technical studies

A range of skills at your service


Content of the studies

Barrisol Advanced Care Solutions® are tailor made climatisation systems, which require a customized technical study in order to provide you the best comfort possible.

There are two phases:

  1. Feasibility study
  2. Execution study

    1. The feasibility study 

    Objective: to validate the technical feasibility of installing the systems in a building. To allow Barrisol® to establish an estimate for the systems and the customer to make an estimate for its HVAC installations

    • Analysis of planned HVAC installations
    • Analysis and validation of regulatory constraints related  to air diffusion
    • 2D or 3D layout of equipment  and networks
    • Implantation of the blowing and aspiration zones of the ceilings,Determination of the architectural impact (networks passage implementation of indoor units ...)
    • Technical assistance to distributors and / or HVAC companies consulted

    Etude de faisabilité
    Determination of the necessary plenum heights 

    Etude de faisabilité Barrisol
    2D layout of technical equipment


    2. Execution study

    Objective: to provide all the detailed elements allowing the realization of the HVAC installations, their adjustment and the realization of the systems.

    • Air diffusion studies for calculating the air velocities at the outlet  of the profile in order to respect thermal comfort and local thermal regulation
    • Execution plan with details  of executions of the aerodynamic networks
    • Execution plan of the ceilings with calculation and implantation of air intake chambers
    • Analysis and determination of principles of regulation/ enslavement of the air treatments units
    • Determination of settings to be performed on the air treatment units
    • Assistance to the Barrisol® teams and the HVAC installation company in the working phase
    • Assistance to the Barrisol® teams and the HVAC installation company in the commissioning phase of the installations

    Execution study example

    The precise calculation of the air speed and the calibration of the air diffusion slots are essential to validate the achievement of excellent comfort and to avoid any risk of condensation. This phase is carried out on a numerical simulation software, making it possible to precisely study the temperature and the displacement of the air in the room served. A 3D digital model of the room is created to simulate the movement of air.


    Modèle numérique CFD
    CFD-ready model  

    Exemple du mouvement de l’air soufflé le long d’une paroi vitrée
    Example of the air movement blown along a glass wall. Celcius degrees


    homogénéité de température
    Example of temperature homogeneity calculation along a cross section of the room. Celcius degrees

     calcul de la vitesse de l’air le long d’une coupe transversale
    Example of air speed calculation along a cross section of the room. Celcius degrees


     plans d’exécution en 2D des installations des climatisations
    Example of 2D execution plans for installing air conditioning and ventilation systems 

     plans d’exécution en 3D des installations des climatisations
    Example of 3D execution plans for installing air conditioning and ventilation systems


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