Barrisol Radiant Cloud Clim®

Barrisol Radiant Cloud Clim®


Aesthetic and flexible radiant islands

Barrisol Radiant Cloud Clim®


In the island version, the radiant panels are equipped with a Barrisol Biosourcée® sheet, transparent to radiation on their visible side.

Suspended from the ceiling, they become real decorative objects while ensuring the heating and cooling of your spaces.

Acoustic, plain, printed and available in 2 standard sizes, your islands are infinitely customisable!


Characteristics of the islands

The islands can take two different shapes and sizes and can be made of plain fabrics or fabrics with material.


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Lightweight and durable materials for more ecology

Our Radiant Clim® et Radiant Cloud Clim® products are composed of an all-copper emitting surface and a post-recycled aluminium frame of over 80%. All these 100% recyclable components make the recycling of raw materials even more environmentally friendly.

They integrate the last generation of Barrisol Biosourcée® sheet, also 100% recyclable and whose plasticizer of vegetable origin is up to 30% of the total composition.

Barrisol® sheets can be dismantled and reassembled indefinitely and allow for accessibility above the ceiling, ideal for all technical interventions for example. The durability and longevity of Barrisol® stretch ceilings is also an illustration of the respect of the environment.

Made of light materials, some of which are 100% recyclable and recycled, the Radiant Clim® system minimises the carbon impact of your buildings and has a fire rating of A2-s1,d0 and an A+ air emission rating.

The guarantee of healthy and hygienic indoor air

With Radiant Clim®, there is no air recirculation, no indoor point air flow, only the electro-magnetic waves from thermal radiation are used to ensure the heating and cooling of your spaces.

Only the fresh air supply is diffused by blowing, and this in a perfectly homogeneous way so as to ensure the best indoor air quality, without dead zones.

Radiant Clim® guarantees the lowest air velocities in the room, thus avoiding any source of transporting pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

Barrisol Radiant Cloud Clim®

Radiant Cloud Clim® Project Example: CICG Switzerland

Barrisol Radiant Cloud Clim®


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