The silent, invisible and homogeneous air conditioning!
Technical advantages
- Heating / Cooling
Radiant Heating and cooling with a single system.
Free choice of energy source: ideal for low temperature systems.
Uniform temperature at all points in the room.
- Lighting
LED lighting can be integrated over the entire surface.
- Ventilation
Hygienic ventilation with fresh air. No recirculation of air: no distribution of viruses or microbes and no mixing of dust.
Totally silent.
- Acoustics
A Barrisol Biosourcée® acoustic membrane is used and sound diffusers can be integrated invisibly.
Aesthetics and practical
- No unsightly technical elements visible.
- Frees up walls and spaces of living rooms.
- Optimises plenum heights (7 cm minimum).
- Biosourced membrane and 100% recyclable equipment .
- Maintenance and service free
- Saving on consumption thanks to thermal radiation
The combination of two original systems for your well-being
The Barrisol Clim® stretch ceiling a combined with radiant panels b , form a new system combining aesthetics, comfort and silence.
Radiant panels b are installed in the plenum, they can be suspended or directly attached to the slab.
The hidden surfaces behind the fabric radiate directly through the surface of the stretched ceiling to people and objects within the room below.
LED lighting f can be integrated into the system (by fixing to a sub-structure or directly to the underside of the panels) so that the ceiling is illuminated over its entire surface.
Barrisol Clim® Peripheral profiles e have openings that allow air exchange between the plenum and the room, which significantly increases the cooling capacity.
Advantageously integrated into the system, the mechanical ventilation (blowing c and extraction d ) becomes invisible.
The system then works in forced convection, thus additional allowing an additional gain in power.
Thanks to the unique Barrisol Biosourcée® membrane, which is transparent to infrared rays and has a perforated profile, the specific heating and cooling capacities are impressive and unequalled.
The membranes can also be made with a micro-perforation to absorb sound and thus meet the highest acoustic requirements. Customisation with a printed pattern is also possible and is A+ certified.
The membrane can be dismantled and reassembled by a qualified person as often as required, thus allowing interventions in the plenum.
The radiant air conditioning system
At the heart of this system is the latest generation radiant panel.
Thanks to its sinusoidal shape, which follows the heat pipe, the panel develops 1.57 times more emitting surface than encumbered surface. Made entirely of copper, its active surface has a thermal conductivity 7 times greater than steel, allowing a perfectly homogeneous temperature distribution over its entire surface.
The Barrisol Biosourcée®sheet, transparent to thermal radiation, placed under the panels, allows an optimal diffusion of heat and cold.
The Radiant Clim® system offers you a tailor-made, healthy and pleasant microclimate. In a few minutes you can moderate the temperature of your premises.
The benefits of thermal radiation
Air Heating
The temperature you feel is very different from the temperature on your thermometer. You may well read 25 degrees and be disturbed by an unpleasant feeling of cold. On the other hand, a temperature of 16 degrees on the thermometer will not prevent a feeling of softness.
Humans exchange 50 to 70% of their body heat by radiation. When the balance of this exchange is disturbed, a feeling of discomfort sets in. Convection heating or cooling systems use only the ambient air to regulate the temperature.
Warm air rises, cold air falls. The atmosphere in the room is arranged in layers. You have cold feet and a warm head.
The Barrisol Radiant Clim® system does not use air to deliver heat or coolness, but the softness of thermal radiation.
Like the sun, these waves travel in a straight line, pass through the air without loss of energy and are converted into thermal energy as soon as they hit the human body or an object.
Heating by Barrisol Radiant Clim®
Unmatched cooling capacity
In cooling mode, the Radiant Clim® solution offers a higher power output than activated metal or plasterboard false ceilings traditionally used in commercial buildings.
The average temperature difference (between the average temperature of the water Tm flowing through the panels and the temperature of the air in the room Ta) determines the specific power of the panel. This power is calculated according to the typical formula (P = k x (ΔTm)n) for heating elements from the average temperature difference (ΔTm) and the parameters k and n characteristic of the radiant panel. The k and n values for the Radiant Clim® system vary according to the air change rate.
The integration of mechanical ventilation into the system allows the water temperature to be lowered (without the risk of condensation) by the air flowing over the panels, thus increasing the power of the system.
Thermal comfort scale according to ISO 7730
Radiant Clim® Acoustic
Radiant Clim® Acoustic Light
Lightweight and durable materials for more ecology
Our Radiant Clim® products are composed of an all-copper emit- ting surface and a post-recycled aluminium frame of over 80%. All these 100% recyclable com- ponents make the recycling of raw materials even more environmen- tally friendly.
Barrisol® sheets can be dismantled and reassembled indefinitely and allow for accessibility above the ceiling, ideal for all technical inter- ventions for example. The durability and longevity of Barrisol® stretch ceilings is also an illustration of the respect of the environment.
Made of light materials, some of which are 100% recyclable and re- cycled, the Radiant Clim® system minimises the carbon impact of your buildings and has a fire rating of B-s1,d0 and an A+ air emis- sion rating.
They integrate the last generation of Barrisol Biosourcée® sheet, also 100% recyclable and whose plasticizer of vegetable origin is up to 30% of the total composition.
The guarantee of healthy and hygienic indoor air
With Radiant Clim®, there is no air recirculation, no indoor point air flow, only the electro-magnetic waves from thermal radiation are used to ensure the heating and cooling of your spaces.
Only the fresh air supply is diffused by blowing, and this in a perfectly homogeneous way so as to ensure the best indoor air quality, without dead zones.
Radiant Clim® guarantees the lowest air velocities in the room, thus avoiding any source of transporting pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.