Barrisol Clim & Pure Clim

Barrisol Pure Clim® featuring Carrier® products


Pure Clim® Indoor air disinfection by UVC radiation


Pure Clim® : Indoor air disinfection by UVC radiation


Thanks to the installation of UVC light b sources directly in the plenum between the natural slab of the room and the Barrisol Biosourcée® sheet, the Barrisol Pure Clim® featuring Carrier® products system allows an unequalled air purification. Indeed, the sterilization by UVC radiation makes it possible to remove viruses and bacteria from the air by destroying their DNA structure.

The treated air 4 , injected in the plenum, is exposed to UVC radiation during all its journey inside the plenum, due to its important volume, the exposure time is particularly long and thus the disinfection is very effective.

The safety of the occupants is also ensured thanks to the use of 2 Barrisol sheets c especially conceived to create a barrier perfectly tight to the UVC, the UVC radiation cannot thus escape from the plenum and reach the interior volume of the served room.


Less than 30 minutes of operation of the Pure Clim® system is enough to disinfect the air inside the room from 99.9% of viruses and bacteria.


Barrisol pure clim

Barrisol pure clim


Technical and practical advantages of Barrisol Pure Clim® featuring CARRIER® products


Unparalleled comfort for your well-being

  • Effective noise reduction
  • Sound Absorption
  • Very small temperature difference at any point of the room
  • Fast and responsive system to achieve the desired temperature
  • No draughts
  • Thermal comfort Class A cold and Class A hot according to ISO 7730(1)

Includes all technical features

  • Cooling and Heating
  • Ventilation of premises
  • Acoustic and/or illuminated membrane
  • Possibility of sound broadcasting
  • Possible incorporation of any technical equipment

Safety and health

  • Optimal air quality due to even distribution of recirculated air and fresh ventilation air
  • Avoids dead zones and point source airflow which can favour the transport and proliferation of viruses and and bacteria
  • UV air sterilisation solution
  • The membrane Barrisol Biosourcée® contains up to 30% of a plant-based plasticiser in its composition, which is classified A+ (no emission of volatile toxic substances) and B-s1, d0 (fire classification)

Economic performance

  • Saving of energy consumption thanks to the thermal radiation of the Biosourced membrane®
  • Eco-responsible (less energy, less material)
  • Saves on fan consumption due to low air pressure drop

Combines aesthetics and flexibility

  • No unsightly technical elements visible
  • Frees up walls and spaces in living areas
  • Optimises plenum heights

(1) up to 130 W/m2 according to tests carried out in the Jean Falconnier laboratory on the Carrier - Culoz site


A propos de Carrier

Carrier® est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions pour des bâtiments sains, sûrs, durables et intelligents, mais aussi de solutions pour la chaîne du froid. Depuis plus d’un siècle, Carrier® développe des produits innovants qui ont changé la manière dont les gens vivent et travaillent.

Cette volonté d’innovation continue encore aujourd’hui avec un accent mis sur la création de solutions qui amélioreront le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Pour Carrier®, le monde est source d’opportunités. S’appuyant sur l’invention de la climatisation moderne par Willis Carrier en 1902, Carrier® est devenu un leader mondial des solutions de chauffage, de climatisation et de réfrigération. Le Groupe perpétue sa longue tradition d’innovation avec de nouveaux produits et services qui améliorent le confort et l’efficacité.


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